Advances in Teaching and Learning in the Anatomical Sciences
The ARA Project: Anatomical Representations of All
Collaborator(s): Dr. Leslie Mackenzie
Current Student(s): Callie Silverton, [open]
Funding: University of Toronto, Department of Surgery - Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Indigeneity, and Accessibility (EDIIA) Initiative Fund

The EEPA Project: Essential Embryology for the Pathologists' Assistant
Collaborator(s): William Tsui; Drs. Fang-I Lu and Avrum Gotlieb
Funding: Internal support provided by the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology

The UDE Project: Evaluating the Undergraduate Dissection Experience for Evidence of Career Influence
Collaborator(s): Drs. Kristina Lisk and Dee Ballyk
Current Student(s): Jana Hamoud Ali

Funding: University of Toronto, Faculty of Arts & Science - Pedagogical Research Grant
The Conformity Project: Conformity and Persuasion as Negative Social Influences During Two-Stage Collaborative Testing
Collaborator(s): Dr. Judi Laprade
Current Student(s): Peter Lombardi

"Unconferencing" to Improve Education Research Designs
Collaborator(s): Drs. Stephanie Attardi, Vic Roach, and Kristina Lisk
Current Student(s): George Nader

Funding: American Association for Anatomy - Research Outreach Grant
The Pacing Project: The Impact of Examination Pacing Structure on Student Anxiety and Performance
Collaborator(s): Dr. Kristina Lisk
Current Student(s): Angelo Sotto, Peter Lombardi

Funding: University of Toronto Provost - Learning and Education Advancement Fund
The MGL Project: Movement-Guided Learning for Musculoskeletal Knowledge Application
Collaborator(s): Chris DeZorzi; Drs. Nicolette Richardson and Scott Thomas
Current Student(s): Peter Lombardi

The CCMCQ Project: Critique-and-Correct Multiple Choice Questions as an Assessment Tool
Current Student(s): Angelo Sotto, Claire Lo

Funding: York University, Faculty of Health - Innovation in Teaching Award