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Get Involved

If you are a student at the University of Toronto looking to get involved, please read the following information below!


*Please note: All work-study and volunteer positions for the 2024-2025 academic year have been filled.

Undergraduate Research Courses

Undergraduate research courses are half-year or full-year​ courses involving the investigation of a research question, conducting a research study, and learning the research process. The ATLAS Research Lab welcomes students looking to pursue the following research courses:


HMB496Y/HMB499Y: Research Project in Human Biology I and II

KPE390Y/KPE490Y/KPE495H: Directed Research, Advanced Research, and Independent Study courses

ANA498Y: Independent Research Project in Anatomy

TRN300H/TRN301Y/TRN302Y/TRN400H/TRN404Y/TRN405Y: Trinity College Independent Study courses​

Research Volunteers

Research volunteers in the ATLAS Research Lab have the capacity to work on various projects with an extremely flexible schedule. Ideal for those trying out their interests in anatomy education, and those looking to gain experience in the different capacities and roles of an anatomy education researcher.​


A paid research assistant position is available through the Work-Study program at the University of Toronto. This option is best suited for senior undergraduate or graduate students who are interested in gaining broad research exposure and are able to consistently commit a set amount of hours weekly. Work-Study students are assigned to various projects with a set schedule and weekly objectives. Students must be registered in a 40% or higher course load during the semester to be eligible. Further conditions apply, please consult University of Toronto's Work-Study website for more information.​

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